Monday, May 30, 2005


A Memorable Memorial Day

The Memorial Day parade in Irvington, New York brought tears to the crowd. The Mayor welcomed the ladies, everyone clapped, a song was sung for them, everyone cried.

After lunch they went to Flying Fingers, the most famous yarn shop in the world, where the ladies had a marvelous visit--lots of questions ranging from how much rent do you pay? How did you finance the start-up of your business? And comments about design, wool yarn etc---talk talk talk talk. Then the flying fingers owners allowed each woman to pick out three items as gifts (yarn, needles). Elise said it was so interesting to see what they chose, the glittery flashier stuff!

Then to Laurie’s house for a Memorial Day BBQ. The women were very relaxed and hanging and chatting and eating. Then, the requisite Frisbee game which broke the hearts of the Bpeacers…..watching the younger Afghan women so free, playing for at least an hour at something they could never do at home.

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